Almost every adult experiences stress related anxiety. In fact, many of us experience some type of anxiety every single day. For most people it is a normal part of life and probably don't really consciously think about stress unless they have something to be really 'stressed out' about, like a big project, sporting event, or job interview. Many of us actually need anxiety to remain motivated.
But what if we're the one in seventy five people who have anxiety which surpasses normal levels on a regular basis? When instead of helping us cope with tense situations, our anxiety becomes an excessive and uncontrollable fear of normal everyday circumstances?
Or worse, what if we experience that sudden surge of overwhelming terror, when our hearts start to race, our bodies tingle, and we become dizzy with the sensation that we have lost control and the capacity for rational thought? Clammy hands, sweating, chest pain, nausea and a shortness of breath. These are all symptoms of a panic attack, and a situation those who suffer from panic disorder quickly learn to dread.
If you have experienced either of the above situations, chances are you are looking for a means for overcoming anxiety and panic attacks. That's a smart choice to make.
If left unabated, panic and anxiety disorders can be debilitating, and lead to further complications such as phobia's, depression, a need for medication, and in extreme circumstances, self harm. The reality is, most instances of panic and anxiety disorder can be prevented. It's simply a question of how.
Now for some quick tips...
If you think you might be suffering from panic attacks or anxiety disorder, first consider the possibility that your experiences might be caused by alternative factors. It pays to visit your GP and rule out thyroid problems, heart disorders, hypoglycaemia, diabetes or other environmental or hereditary medical problems.
With that done, it also helps to have some understanding of what actually happens to us when we experience an attack.
Panic attacks are discrete episodes of intense anxiety. They usually occur unexpectedly during the early stages of panic disorder. As the panic disorder progresses, the attacks themselves may become associated with certain stimuli or situations. This can establish a vicious cycle of 'anticipatory anxiety' whereby the situation where a panic attack originally occurred then acts as a trigger for future attacks. In severe cases, merely considering the situation without actually experiencing it can be enough to bring on an attack.
Learning how to break this cycle is a key element to permanently treating panic attacks. If you're adamant about using natural self help methods to eliminate your panic, the good news is that there are numerous online resources which can help you do just that. In fact, if you know where to find them, you can get tips on exactly what to do and when to do it. There is one little technique alone which can be implemented immediately and is designed to stop the onset of a panic attack in their tracks. It's very powerful!
What we don't want to have to resort to though, is to start avoiding the situations which cause us to experience panic attacks or intense anxiety. For many people this seems like it may be the only option, but the consequences in terms of lifestyle and peace of mind can be significant. Imagine living a life where your biggest panic inducing fear is no longer good would that be?
Learning how to prevent panic attacks isn't rocket science, but it's essential to be prepared and know what you need to do to maintain control. If you don't, the risk is that it will only serve to make things worse.