Friday, January 29, 2010

3 Natural Ways to Overcome Stress

Have you ever experienced that extreme tiredness envelope you after a week of hard work? This causes you to be irritable and impatient, and you sometimes feel depressed because it would seem that nobody is taking notice of the fact that you really feel bad. During this time, you also noticed that no matter how tired your body and mind are, sleep seems to evade you. If you are having these kinds of symptoms, then you might actually be undergoing stress.

There are some ways on how to overcome these kinds of stress, but the easiest and safest method would be doing it the natural way. The best thing about handling stress naturally is that you allow your mind to relax, and your body to fully reinvigorate itself.

One of the most stress-relieving activities that you can indulge in is by watching a movie. This allows your mind to focus on a different subject matter, while discarding all the negative thoughts that filled it all throughout the week. You may want to rent some DVDs of your favorite movies, then, with a bucket of popcorn on your lap, you can once again have the opportunity to enjoy those movies you love. Try to watch the kinds of movies which are action packed or maybe those movies which would uplift your emotions. This would really help in taking the stress away real quick.

Another activity which may be able to relieve your stress is by listening to music. Some music is composed to give you the feeling of standing by a brook, with the gentle splashing of waters washing over your senses. There are also other types of music which make you feel alive and jumping all over the place. Some people find that listening to fast or rock music relaxes them while others prefer listening to classical and instrumental tunes. As long as it will help you relax, whatever type of music will do.

Strolling leisurely in a park would also help relieve the stress that you feel. Try to meander along the different paths of the park as you let the beauty of nature soak your entire being. Try to breathe in the fresh air and just let your eyes wander over to the open space where a lot of people are engaging in several fun activities, or to places where you may see a lot of butterflies settling from one flower to the next.

Following these simple, yet effective, natural ways to overcome stress would ensure that at the end of the day, you will again feel ready for another week of hard work.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Overcome Panic Attacks - The Ultimate Guide to End Anxiety Disorders

If you are searching for simple and easy to follow methods to overcome panic attacks without the use of medication, then this article will show you ways to eliminate fear and anxiety that can often inflict unwanted suffering. There are many people that suffer from every kind of anxiety imaginable; however you no longer need to suffer any more.

What are panic attacks?

It's best to show you through an example:

Mary began experiencing anxiety attacks only recently. They came out of the blue and was experiencing common symptoms: chest pains, fast heart beat, light headedness, cold sweat, feeling of numbness and was crying hysterically because she thought she was having a heart attack. Mary was beginning to live in constant fear of another attack and a few weeks later the attack came on again. She felt alone and scared because this uncontrolling fear was so powerful and overwhelming that she couldn't control it.

Anxiety attacks are a debilitating disorder and most sufferers live their lives in constant fear of another panic attack. This "fear" alone often is responsible for triggering another episode. To overcome panic attacks there are some effective methods to help you cope and manage anxiety in your life.

The presence of stress in your everyday life can trigger anxious thoughts. A lot of the sufferers fill their minds with extreme worry - from work problems, relationship problems to world concerns.

The best way to overcome panic attacks is to manage stress and one of the most effective way to do this is through a regular exercise regime. Yoga, jogging, brisk walking, aerobics are all great ways to cope with stress.

Several studies have shown that a poor diet can contribute to tension or worry - for example, low levels of vitamin B12. So begin to have a diet rich in vitamin B12 foods - the top five foods containing vit. B12 are: fish, beef, lamb, cheese and eggs. You could also consider taking a supplement.

Certain antibiotics can lead to symptoms of worry because of the side effects or the withdrawal effects once the treatment has run its course. These types of drugs contain ingredients causing the withdrawal symptoms such caffeine, nicotine, anti-depressants, thyroid medications and diet pills. Reduce your dependency on drug treatments.

Finally when a panic attack comes on, don't fight it because it only makes the whole experience worse, prepare to face it head on -- but don't ignore it either as this is the worst thing you can do.

* Note *: This plan works extremely well... but it works much better when combined with the below course.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

How to Overcome Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety attacks and panic attacks; chronic worrying and obsessive thoughts; compulsive behaviors; irrational fears and phobias, even severe depression - these problems all involve heightened anxiety. In overcoming them, the goal is not to get rid of anxiety, for to have anxiety is normal, it is a part of being human, helps ready us for action and is there for our survival.

The aim is to understand why it has become so strong, change what it means to us and know how to reduce it and prevent it spiraling out of control.

It is possible to experience anxiety without it leading to panic, obsessions, compulsions or despair - to experience it and yet still be calm. In fact many people do experience anxiety like this frequently (job interviews/dating/performance situations - sports, social). They feel shaky on the inside but relatively calm on the outside, this is normal, this is part of anxiety, this is how it feels.

-- On a popular TV quiz show, where the contestants answer questions and can double their winnings up to a million, the quizmaster has said to many contestants words to the effect - 'you look remarkably calm'. In nearly every instance, the reply has been the same - 'on the outside yes, but inside I'm shaking like a leaf '. --

To overcome anxiety disorders we have to change our beliefs.

If ten thousand people say you are good and you feel bad about yourself... you will believe you are bad. Conversely if ten thousand people say you are bad and you feel good about yourself... you will believe that you are good. Our reality is shaped by what we feel and believe:

-- A man found an eagle's egg and put it in a nest of a barnyard hen. The eaglet hatched with the brood of chicks and grew up with them. All his life the eagle did what the barnyard chicks did, thinking he was a barnyard chicken. He scratched the earth for worms and insects. He clucked and cackled and would thrash his wings and fly a few feet into the air. Years passed and the eagle grew very old. One day he saw a magnificent bird above him in the cloudless sky. It glided in graceful majesty among the powerful wind currents, with scarcely a beat of its strong golden wings. The eagle looked up in awe. "Who's that?" he asked. "That's the eagle, the king of the birds," said his neighbour. "He belongs to the sky. We belong to the earth - we're chickens." So the eagle lived and died a chicken, for that's what he thought he was. (AWARENESS... Anthony de Mello) --

To change beliefs, we have to understand how and why they developed. We have to understand our experiences, the people involved and more importantly, the conclusions we drew about our role in them, for it's not the experiences themselves that do the lasting damage, it's what we make of them. We have to understand how we learn to think and behave because of our experiences.

Changing beliefs through insight and understanding is essential to overcoming anxiety problems. However, from shyness to depression, something else is equally important... changing behavior. We can't just think our way out of these problems - to change behavior we have to do the behavior (it isn't possible to learn to ride a bike just by thinking about it!)

Of course, changing behavior alone will not help if we still feel bad about ourselves or still have unanswered questions about the problem. Any force over which we have little understanding and even less control will always hold power over us, for it is unpredictable and could harm us and as such remains frightening.

Successfully overcoming anxiety disorders requires BOTH insight and behavior change.

We need to:-

Understand the problem (how it developed and it's effects) to such an extent that the search for reasons and answers can be given up
Reduce the automatic negative thoughts, images and behaviors
Develop more positive beliefs and behaviors
COURAGE is not the absence of fear. It is feeling afraid but keeping those feelings sufficiently under control to be able to act appropriately.

Once we begin to understand how anxiety disorders work - much of the fear of them is removed. And when we couple insight and new beliefs to techniques that help reduce anxious thoughts and behaviors and develop new more positive ones... it is possible to truly overcome anxiety disorders.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Tips on Recognizing Depression

Everyone feels a little blue now and then, but sometimes that feeling blue turns into something more serious - clinical depression. There are events in everyone's life - death, divorce, loss of a job, that cause ordinary healthy people to feel blue. That is a normal healthy reaction to a difficult situation. However, over time we begin to feel better as we adjust to the changes in our lives. This type of sadness and feeling blue generally isn't a sign of depression.

When the sadness lasts for a longer time period and you appear to be sad for no particular reason then it's time to consider whether what you are experiencing is a bout of depression or just a temporary period of feeling blue. Not only do you feel blue but you really don't feel like doing many of the activities you used to enjoy. Seeing old friends or playing your favorite sport that you always enjoyed just isn't very much fun anymore. After a while you begin to feel that you just don't really care about anything anymore.

What are some of the other warning signs of depression? Many people who are depressed find that they have difficulty sleeping. On the other hand some people find that they want to sleep all the time and have no difficulty doing so. The important thing is to think about whether or not you have experienced and significant changes in your sleep patterns - for no apparent reason.

Another sign of depression is that you really don't like yourself very much anymore. It seems like you just can't do anything right anymore and you find that you are constantly criticizing yourself very every mistake - or every little perceived mistake.

Finally, just feel like you don't have the energy to do anything, you fell tires and listless all the time. You don't even have the energy to do the small day to day tasks that never were a problem before. You just feel worn out, for no reason.

Depression can be a very serious problem and is not to be taken lightly. The first step in dealing with depression is learning about how to tell if perhaps you're not just blue but really are depressed. If you begin to see some of these signs in yourself it may be time to seek professional help.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Real Help For Panic Attacks

Just about everybody has had some type of stress and anxiety. Unfortunately, many people experience stress and anxiety so great that they can not perform their day to day activities. When people begin to feel out of control their stress can manifest as a panic attack. Classically panic attacks occur in people that feel nervous constantly but some people with panic attacks do not feel nervous at all. Even though they do not feel nervous their mind and body are reacting to the stress and this manifests as an anxiety. These attacks cause physical symptoms. Heart palpitations, trembling, dizziness, breathing problems, and pains in their gut are common symptoms of an attack. Anxiety attack sufferers often go to the emergency room because they think that they are having a stroke or a heart attack. It is easy to understand why someone with these symptoms would run to the ER but the symptoms of a anxiety attack are not dangerous. It is actually helpful for sufferers to visit their doctor. Once people discover that there is nothing physically wrong with them they often immediately begin to feel better. It is not unusual for a panic attack sufferer to say that their road to recovery began after visiting their doctor to rule out a medical reason for their symptoms.

Once a medical condition is ruled out what can be done to stop the attacks? Relaxation methods can help you stay focused and can calm you too. Biofeedback, isometrics and breathing techniques are a few of the therapies used. It is important to recognize when a panic attack is coming on. If breathing methods are practiced at the start of an attack this will help you to remain calm and in focus, helping you stop a panic attack before it starts. Decongestant medications and diet pills that contain stimulants, coffee, tea, soda and other intake of caffeine needs to be avoided. Panic attacks can be triggered from within the central nervous system and that could be stimulated from the use of caffeine or stimulants such as pseudoephedrine commonly found in decongestants and diet pills. You should exercise on a regular basis. Exercise will release endorphins into your blood stream. These are hormones that help you reach an euphoric feeling. Regular exercise can help you remain focused and relaxed.

I feel it is important to tell you that I suffered from anxiety attacks for years. I know that terrifying feeling of disconnect with the world that many sufferers experience. I myself went to the emergency room, firmly believing that I was having a heart attack or a stroke. It did give me some comfort to realize that there was not anything seriously wrong but this knowledge did not eliminate the attacks. I tried many of the self-help programs to relieve the attacks. The method that finally worked was called the Linden Method. I hope that these methods will give you help for panic attacks and you will be able to regain control of your life.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Anxiety Panic Attacks Symptoms - 7 Most Common Anxiety Panic Attacks Symptoms

Anxiety Panic Attacks are becoming very common in society today. There have been studies done that on average, nearly 1 in every 75 people suffer from anxiety or panic at some time or another in their life. Some peoples panic and anxiety can be severe, while others will be relatively mild. Many people do not even know they suffer from this panic disorder at all.

If you are not sure as to whether you suffer from panic disorder, or you believe you may be a sufferer, I will list some symptoms to look out for and a possible solution at the end. This will give you a better understanding of your condition, and put you in a good position to take some action to get rid of your panic disorder, so that you can enjoy life without worrying about a possible attack.

If you find you do suffer from panic disorder, whatever you do, do not worry. This is more of a common issue than you may think, and may people each and every day are beating panic and anxiety with a little work, just like I hope you will too.

The 7 more common Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms:

1. Palpitations - A racing rapid heartbeat, and sweating are very common during panic

2. Dizziness - Feeling dizzy very quickly and being light-headed are common symptoms amongst panic sufferers.

3. Fear - The feeling of "losing control" or constant worrying in any given situation, such as a social gathering, and the feeling of everyone watching you.

4. Hot Flushes - Hot flushes and chills are one of the first signs that occur for an anxiety sufferer.

5. Chest Pain - Shortness of breath is a common symptom you may experience if an attack strikes, you need to be aware, and slow down your breathing calmly.

6. Numbness - Numbness or any form of tingling in the face is a sign you may be about to experience panic.

7. Empty Stomach - The loss of appetite, the feeling of an empty stomach and your mouth going dry, this is another symptom of a potential panic attack.

The list of symptoms that I have provided you are generally the most common that you will experience during an attack, but these are just touching upon the main ones. There are many more, but from experience, they seem to fall under the category of these 7 listed.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Stop a Panic Attack - How to Treat Panic Attacks

What is the most effective way to stop a panic attack? This is a question on the minds of so many of us. Is the answer a simple one? It can be. But there seems to be far too many "experts" out there who are just overly eager to give us an answer, and many of them just don't understand our problem. They just don't know, nor can they ever understand.

They never feel the surmounting sense of impending doom that we can feel, that seems to lurk all around us during our most trying times, like some phantom stalker, ready to pounce at any given moment. For example, they might suggest some technique they picked up from something they heard from acquaintances, coworkers, or found on the internet, like "deep breathing". Let me dispel this myth right now - deep breathing does nothing to stop a panic attack. This only attempts to calm the body. And as we all know, a panic attack does not originate from under our skin, nor from within our lungs, but it is an effect that occurs within the mid brain. Logically speaking here, trying to stop a panic attack in the brain by trying to calm the body with deep breathing, is like trying to stop a sneeze by tying your shoe. Quite frankly, it just lacks intelligence.

The fact is that there really are effective techniques to stop a panic attack in its tracks, and a better understanding of how this can be done can only come from a fuller knowledge of how panic attacks come about.

During a panic attack, what actually happens is what's known as the "fight or flight" effect, which is triggered by a perceived physical threat. This happens in the mid brain, which deals with instinctual behavior. During such an episode, all of the mental activity in the brain is rushed from the rational thinking area (known as the prefrontal cortex), straight to the mid brain, where this effect takes place. Now, as I said, there are ways of stopping this dead in its tracks... care to learn more?

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Curing Your Anxiety Or Panic Disorder Today

Panic Disorder affects billions worldwide. Anxiety and panic attacks take their toll on the lives of everyone they touch, making it difficult to perform the simplest of life's tasks. Do you think you have this disorder? Find out below with the symptom checker:

- Flushed feelings, skin is hot
- Clammy hands and cold sweat
- Choking sensation or inability to swallow
- Tightness around ribs and chest
- Racing heart beat
- Feeling of impending doom or derealization

One of the number one misconceptions about panic disorder is that there is always a trigger like stress at work, anger, or nervousness about a specific task or person. This could not be further from the truth. Panic attacks can occur at random, without warning, thus making it a pervasive element in the life of those experiencing it. The cycle usually begins with one panic attack, and continues with many more based solely on the fear of recurrence.

When someone suffers panic in their daily life, it can lead to Generalized Anxiety Disorder or GAD. GAD is different from panic disorder, but usually goes hand in hand. GAD renders its victim helpless leaving the sufferer in a constant state of anxiety. The symptoms of a panic attack can often be felt constantly, but in a milder form than a full blown panic attack. GAD usually occurs after someone has suffered panic disorder, and can sometimes be more crippling, while generally be more subtle.

Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

- Constant feelings of edginess - A feeling of separation from reality - Constant fear of a panic attack that keeps you from living your life - Fear of the unknown or new situations - Constant physical symptoms (lump in throat, breathing difficulties) - Constant fear of having a medical problem regardless of a clean bill of health - Depression and a feeling that the disorder will never end

I know more than I ever wanted to about these disorders, having suffered from them for five years of my life. It is hard for friends and family to understand the fear and loneliness a sufferer feels, and can often react with anger and frustration. These reactions only serve to make the problem worse instead of improving matters.

The most important thing a sufferer should know is that they are not alone, and that their feelings of panic started because of certain mental patterns unique to the sufferer that were learned throughout their entire lives. The upside to this fact is that what was learned can be UNLEARNED. By recognizing the underlying causes, even when it seems like there is no reason at all, we can begin the process of healing our damaged psyche.

You are not losing your mind, and you are going to be just fine. The first step is to seek the help of a medical care professional to rule out any physical cause for your symptoms. The treatment for anxiety varies from person to person, and there are no "one size fits all" treatments. The ultimate elixir will come from within. When you are equipped with the skills necessary to defeat anxiety once and for all, you can rid yourself of the affliction feeling empowered with the knowledge that you helped yourself. I hope this article has given you the encouragement you need to take back your life, and finally be free of panic and anxiety! The time to LIVE is now!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

How to Overcome Panic Attacks - Discover How to Quickly Get Rid of Panic Attacks

Overcoming panic attacks is not an easy task and is neither a one that could be achieved overnight. It requires a series of trial and error experiments that you need to conduct on yourself to find a possible solution for you. There are many people in the world that have overcome panic and anxiety attack, but which one of these techniques will be more effective for you can only be determined by experimenting. Although, some very general tips and techniques can be used by anyone to lower the effects of the attacks; but the main root of these attacks can only be overcome by the individual himself/herself. One should never be afraid to use a new technique to gain control over the mind and stop the panic attack.

Some of the very basics of overcoming an attack will be provided in this article. Eating healthy is the beginning of your new lifestyle that will help you take control. Eat more fruits, vegetables and protein and try to avoid junk foods and caffeine. Replace coffee with green tea and avoided hard alcohol. When a person is healthy not only he is less stressed but is also more confident which helps him deal with panic. Exercising regularly releases the stress and reduces the chances of getting a panic attack. There are many meditative exercises like yoga which are very effective for people who are suffer from panic attacks. Following these simple lifestyle guidelines will reduce the chances of getting attacked by panic and will also give you a greater chance of overcoming panic attack even if it happens.

In case of a panic attack you need to realize that you are having an attack. There are many symptoms of panic attacks like, dizziness, nausea, sweating, muscle pains, paresthesia, feeling like fainting etc. If you experience any of these things in a stressful situation immediately get on your guard and realize that this might be a possible panic attack and you need to fight it to overcome it. Start taking slow deep breaths and try relaxing your muscles. Try to talking to someone or yourself. Tell yourself that it is just a panic symptom and it is not going to harm you or kill you, it will just go away in a second. If you can realize that then half the battle is already won. You can stop the attack even before it actually strikes you.

Any possible solution is fine as long as it does not include any drugs or chemicals. There are also some groups that help each other in coping with the attacks and educating each other, if you feel like it then you can join them. Being in a group of people who support each other is a great boost in confidence and helps each and everyone in the group. Once you know how to overcome your panic attack completely you will realize that you have changed to be a much better and confident person than you were before.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How to Overcome Panic Attacks and Live a Happy Life

I had so much pain watching my child deal with anxiety and suffer from panic attacks.

I felt helpless and scared.

If you or a loved one is also afflicted with this condition I don't have to tell you how distressing, and even debilitating anxiety and panic attacks are to living a normal and happy life.

The biggest problem we had with the panic attacks is that they had no obvious triggers nor warnings that they were about to occur.

Even when my kid was in a great mood during the whole day it could suddenly and without warning end up with suffering from a panic attack as the day progressed. This certainly left my child as well as the rest of the family feeling severely distressed and saddened.

My wife and I kept wondering what had we done wrong. Was it something we had done raising our kids and if so, why just the one child. Was it a symptom of type A personality? Perhaps it was the perfectionist traits we observed.

Added to our concern was the fact that panic attacks are the kind of condition which will get other people starting to shun you when they discover that you suffer from them. Our child (okay young adult now) felt isolated sometimes and thought it would be better to stay home from public gatherings and even family outing in fear that another panic attack would strike.

Through extensive research we discovered that predisposition to panic attacks is commonly believed to be a result of both biological (genetic) and environmental factors.

Well, we thought, if that wasn't proof that we were 100% to blame as parents. Nothing further was from the truth. It wasn't our fault and it certainly was not our child's fault. Don't let guilt even enter into the equation of finding the best panic treatments available.

Thankfully, panic attacks can be overcome - and you even have choices between panic disorder medication and/or natural remedies and techniques.

We first used the professional medical establishments to make sure it was not a serious physical or mental problem. In the meantime, we researched the heck out of the conditions and discovered alternative non-drug methods and techniques.

We didn't know what to do. The medical profession was pushing the latest "wonder drugs" and the mental health profession was pushing for extensive long-term counseling sessions.

Between all of us we decided to try some of the natural methods we discovered through our research before going the medication route as it was described to us as a "treatment" instead of a cure. The reason? Cost and imposition on schedules. Now, many may say how horrible! But, try to get a teenager and young adult to commit to a demanding regiment of counseling sessions, particularly when insurance doesn't cover all the cost.

Here is what we learned about the counseling route...

Psychotherapy approaches the issue as a result of the environmental factors in the persons home life, work or school life, and social life. The counseling was to be used in conjunction with medication therapy.

Psychotherapy studies have shown good results in helping people learn how to overcome panic attacks through the use of behavior and cognitive therapies. These therapies essentially focus on changing ingrained thought patterns could be causing the panic attacks.

Here is what we learned about the medication route...

The doctor "preferred" method of treatment for panic attacks is through the use of anti-depressants called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or "SSRIs". A commonly prescribed SSRIS is Prozac.

Panic attacks are diagnosed as a disorder caused by disruptions in the serotonin system, either due to low levels of serotonin or due to decreased sensitivity to serotonin. If the panic attacks is a result of low levels of serotonin, the SSRI would replenish them and cause the condition to subside.

Alternatively if the panic attack is due to decreased sensitivity to serotonin, then the increased levels of serotonin from the SSRI would make up for decreased sensitivity and cause the condition to subside.

Either way the sufferer would have relief. That's great...except for the numerous side effects. The major one being weight gain and loss of sexual performance. Not exactly what a teen or young adult wants in order to live a happy and fulfilling life. Though parents are naturally less concerned with the later side effect during the teen years!

Here is what we learned about the natural remedies route...

There are many self-help guru's promoting natural products for anxiety and panic attack relief. Some are good, many are just okay. A select few are fantastic.

Here is the key. One that works wonders for one person may not provide any benefit for another. Everyone is a unique person with different miracles of nature making up who they are physically and mentally. If one method does not work, try another. If none of them work then try the drug and medication route.

By all means, use support groups if they are available and you are so inclined. Don't force anyone to go as that is counter-productive to the cure. Learning how to overcome panic attacks is not going to be easy, but it doesn't have to be painful either.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Panic Attacks Myths Debunked

There are many myths surrounding panic attacks which can lead people along the wrong track. Here, we'll debunk two of these panic attack myths so that you are more able to deal with your situation without fear. In fact, once you start to think more positively about your general anxiety and it's associated attacks you'll be better placed to start to take control of your life again.

Myth #1 - Panic Attack Sufferers Have A Heart Disorder

Although a sufferer may indeed have a heart disorder for any number of reasons, it isn't as a direct result of suffering from panic attacks. Rather, during an attack, the symptoms are such that the sufferer actually 'feels' as though they are having a heart attack.

Some of the symptoms of a panic / anxiety attack -- tightness across chest, rapid heart beat, shortness of breath, sweating, tingling fingers, etc. -- are similar to those of a heart attack, and so the sufferer can be forgiven for believing that they are having one. But they aren't.

The symptoms of a panic or anxiety attack are due to your body's primeval response to a perceived 'danger' so that it sets you up mentally and physically to be able to fight or run away; what we call your body's 'fight or flight' response.

To your subconscious mind, a simple thing like a spike of very high anxiety can be perceived as a 'danger' sign, so it very quickly resorts to a fight or flight response. It doesn't take time to figure out if there is indeed physical danger present, it just assumes there is, as this quite naturally is the safest assumption in order to protect you.

In a fight or fight response there are almost instantaneous changes in your mind and around your body. But, you are unaware of any 'danger' (because there isn't any), so these changes are confusing to you. The result is that the total effect of the changes appear as the symptoms of a panic / anxiety attack, which is often confused with having a heart attack.

Myth #2 - People Who Suffer From Anxiety and Panic Attacks Are Nuts

Absolutely not! There is no doubt that we can say that the symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks are so frightening that they 'drive one crazy' but of course we don't mean that literally. It's just that the symptoms of an attack, incl. nausea, stomach cramps, hyperventilation, dizziness, a feeling of being detached from reality, as well as those shown above, are indeed terrifying.

So if you suffer from anxiety and anxiety / panic attacks you are not crazy, loco, off you head, nuts, mental, loopy, or any other term you care to mention. You are quite sane, just scared of having another attack. And who can blame you? Not anyone who has ever suffered an attack, that's for sure.

Now here's the key; that very fear of another attack is the thing that is stopping you getting to grips with your anxiety and preventing further attacks...

You see, the fear -- which can be a conscious or unconscious fear -- builds your already higher-than-normal anxiety levels even higher. This on its own, or, in conjunction with an everyday stressful event, can push your overall anxiety so high that your unconscious mind perceives this as a dangerous situation that requires a 'fight or flight' response. The result? You've guessed it -- another panic attack!

You need to break this vicious cycle -- anxiety > panic attack > fear > increased anxiety > panic attack > fear > increased anxiety > panic attack > fear, etc., etc. -- in order to prevent panic attacks and cure your general anxiety.